Monday, May 16, 2016

Eye See

Eye See that we are Gods and Goddesses, that we manifest living here in the physical amongst material and spiritual to test our sense reality in the Love of what we can do to improve on the Spiritual development in ourselves as well as in others.  We are in Pinnacle faced with Healthy challenges and obstacles in awakening to overcome in order to evolve into our higher self of Awareness.  Awareness of which enables us to thrive on the consideration of our Planet.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Multimedia Creativity Project (Fashion, Music, Art, Photography.. Etc. Everything Creative.

This multimedia creativity project is very Self Inspired, as well as Family inspired, and Socially Inspired.  Just an overall feeling of Life and the Universe itself.  Intended to represent all of humanity from every outspoken culture of consciousness.  To know how Infinite Love can open up the Universe to Infinite possibilities. Nothing is perfect but positive is possible.  I am a founding Owner and Entrepreneur to a business venture filled with Creation of clothing from the root of fashion, music from the root of every musical sound and Art from Paintings, pictures, and Photographs, etc. from the root  of all art.  Spirituality , self worth , and understanding of society is key in all aspects of Social Entrepreneurship and the Business mindset.  The main focus being to implement all of this creation, to represent the higher ups, Enabling the expressive message of the Collective Conscious.  Multimedia Creativity Project is the gateway to being able to share the message.